John Lennon - How Do You Sleep?


About The Song

John Lennon's "How Do You Sleep" stands as a poignant and biting commentary on the dissolution of his partnership with Paul McCartney and the broader disintegration of The Beatles. Released in 1971 as part of Lennon's solo album "Imagine," the song is a scathing response to McCartney's perceived criticisms in his own solo work, particularly the album "Ram." The acrimonious breakup of The Beatles was still fresh, and "How Do You Sleep" became a public forum for Lennon to air his grievances and express the deep-seated resentment he felt toward his former bandmate.


The lyrics of "How Do You Sleep" are laden with confrontational and accusatory language, creating an atmosphere of hostility. Lennon pulls no punches as he takes aim at McCartney's perceived pretentiousness and alleged attempts to undermine Lennon's artistic contributions. The song is rife with references to specific incidents, such as McCartney's supposed efforts to belittle Lennon's songwriting abilities. The line "Those freaks was right when they said you was dead" is a direct allusion to the "Paul is dead" conspiracy theory that gained traction among fans at the time. This mix of personal and public references adds layers of complexity to the song, turning it into a multifaceted exploration of Lennon's disillusionment.


Musically, "How Do You Sleep" reflects the darker, more experimental side of Lennon's solo work. The track features a prominent slide guitar played by George Harrison, adding a somber and haunting quality to the composition. The production choices, including the use of echo and reverb, contribute to the overall atmosphere of tension and unease. The music complements the lyrics, enhancing the emotional impact of Lennon's words. The song's sonic landscape becomes a canvas for the expression of Lennon's raw and unfiltered emotions, making it a powerful piece that transcends its lyrical content.


Despite its confrontational nature, "How Do You Sleep" is a testament to the complexity of artistic relationships and the emotional toll of creative partnerships. Lennon's candid and unapologetic approach to songwriting shines through, offering listeners a glimpse into the tumultuous aftermath of The Beatles' breakup. The song remains a compelling piece of music history, not only for its role in the post-Beatles narrative but also for its artistic merit as a bold and unflinching exploration of personal and professional strife. As listeners delve into the layers of "How Do You Sleep," they are confronted with the complexities of fame, friendship, and the intricate dynamics that defined one of the most iconic musical collaborations in history.



Let’s sing along with the lyrics!

So Sgt. Pepper took you by surprise
You better see right through that mother's eyes
Those freaks was right when they said you was dead
The one mistake you made was in your head
How do you sleep?
How do you sleep at night?
You live with straights who tell you, you was king
Jump when your momma tell you anything
The only thing you done was yesterday
And since you've gone you're just another day
How do you sleep?
How do you sleep at night?
How do you sleep?
How do you sleep at night?
A pretty face may last a year or two
But pretty soon they'll see what you can do
The sound you make is muzak to my ears
You must have learned something in all those years
How do you sleep?
How do you sleep at night?