John Lennon - Oh My Love

About The Song

"Oh My Love" is a hauntingly beautiful and intimate song by John Lennon, co-written with Yoko Ono. It is featured on Lennon's 1971 album "Imagine." This particular track stands out for its poetic lyrics and the ethereal quality of its musical arrangement, making it one of the more tender and emotive pieces in Lennon's solo discography.

The lyrics of "Oh My Love" convey a sense of deep, soulful affection. The words are simple yet profound, expressing a profound connection between two individuals. The song reflects a moment of profound intimacy and emotional vulnerability, capturing the essence of a love that transcends the ordinary. The repeated refrain of "Oh my love, oh my love" underscores the intensity and sincerity of the emotions being conveyed.


Musically, "Oh My Love" is characterized by its gentle acoustic guitar melody and Lennon's soft, melodic vocals. The minimalistic arrangement, with subtle piano accents and ethereal sound effects, creates an atmosphere of intimacy and introspection. The collaboration with Phil Spector, who also worked on the "Imagine" album, adds a layer of production polish that enhances the song's dreamlike quality.

The restrained beauty of "Oh My Love" showcases Lennon's ability to convey deep emotions through his music. In contrast to some of his more politically charged or emotionally turbulent songs, this track reveals a softer and more introspective side of Lennon's songwriting. It's a testament to the complexity of his artistry, demonstrating that he could move seamlessly between different emotional registers.

As part of the "Imagine" album, "Oh My Love" contributes to the overall thematic exploration of peace, love, and human connection. Its enduring appeal lies in its timelessness and universal themes, making it a song that resonates with listeners across generations. Whether appreciated for its lyrical beauty, musical craftsmanship, or the emotional depth it conveys, "Oh My Love" remains a standout track in John Lennon's solo catalog.



Let’s sing along with the lyrics!

Oh my love for the first time in my life
My eyes are wide open
Oh my lover for the first time in my life
My eyes can see
I see the wind
Oh, I see the trees
Everything is clear in my heart
I see the clouds
Oh, I see the sky
Everything is clear in our world
Oh my love for the first time in my life
My mind is wide open
Oh my lover for the first time in my life
My mind can feel
I feel sorrow
Oh, I feel dreams
Everything is clear in my heart
I feel life
Oh, I feel love
Everything is clear in our world